Peddler's/Solicitor's License Application

Download and complete the peddler’s/solicitor’s license application found at this link and attach it below, along with additional credentials, and then select send.

Applicant to Complete All Items in Form

If submitting application via the internet you will need to sign your paperwork when you come in to pick-up the permit.

Non-Refundable Fee at Time of Applicaton: $25.00
Fee Upon Issuance of License: $20.00

    1. Attach a copy of the Peddler's/Solicitor's License Application

    2. Attach a recent photograph of yourself (2 in. by 2 in.)

    3. Provide the following with your application:
    • Copy of a current photo identification issued by a federal or state government agency.

    • If a minor, copy of your work permit issued by the State of Michigan.

    • If selling or soliciting from a motor vehicle, a copy of your Michigan driver’s license, evidence of
    proper public liability and personal injury insurance, proof of inspection for safety equipment by
    the Township’s designated agency and a copy of your master driving record obtained from the
    Michigan Secretary of State.