Superior Charter Township Ordinance 150

The Superior Township Sidewalk Ordinance and the adopted Policy to administer the Ordinance requires inspection and repair of sidewalks in the subdivisions in the Township. The policy states that sidewalks must be inspected every five years.  Our last sidewalk safety program was in 2001-2002 so it is time to inspect the sidewalks again.  During the spring of 2007 inspectors will be checking and marking defective sidewalks.  Sidewalks will be considered deficient according to the following criteria:

  1. If the sidewalk has displacement of more than three-quarters (3/4) of an inch between any two (2) sections (flags) of sidewalk at the connection joint.
  2. If the sidewalk has more than two (2) cracks of one-quarter (1/4) inch in width or more in any two (2 ) linear feet of sidewalk section.
  3. If the sidewalk has a crack more than three-quarters (3/4) inch in width.
  4. If any section of sidewalk is tilted in excess of one (1) inch per foot from edge to edge in a transverse direction.
  5. If, in any flag of sidewalk, more than fifty percent (50%) of the surface has scaled off to a depth of one-quarter (1/4) inches or greater. .
  6. lf the concrete has settled, allowing water to pond to depth of one (1) inch or more.

If a sidewalk in front (or on the side if a corner lot) of your home has been marked as defective, that section (flag) of the sidewalk must be replaced at your expense.  You will receive a letter and a diagram showing you which sections must be replaced.  You will have the option of replacing it yourself according to the following standards or wait until the Township fixes it and bills you.  The Township will contract to have the sidewalks fixed in the spring/summer of 2007.

If you decide to fix it yourself, you must conform to the following construction standards.  You do not need a permit but must call the Township Hall, 482-6099, to have an inspector come to check the work.  There is no charge for this inspection.


1. Sidewalks shall have a width of five (5) feet except where existing sidewalk is narrower.

2. The concrete pavement shall have a compressed strength of not less than thirty-five hundred (3500) pounds per square inch within twenty-eight (28) days of paving.

3. Sidewalk joints shall be perpendicular to edge of the sidewalk at intervals not greater than the sidewalk width (foot/inch ratio).

4. Barrier free ramps constructed at curb crossings shall comply with the American Disabilities Act and MDOT 1996 Standards Specification for Construction and Washtenaw County specifications.

5. Walk grades shall generally follow the existing topography with a maximum longitudinal grade of five percent (5%). Traverse grades shall be provided to accommodate adequate surface drainage, typically one-quarter (1/4) inch per foot fall toward the street.

6. The subgrade shall be prepared by excavating or filling to the required elevation of the bottom of the concrete. The sub grade shall be well drained and cleaned of all sod and organic material. Where necessary for the construction of ramps, the curb shall be cut for its full depth. Where necessary to cut or remove tree roots, adequate precautions shall be taken so as to protect exposed roots and preserve existing trees. Any material found to be unsuitable, such as muck, peat, marl, soft clay and other such materials subject to frost heaving, differential frost action or unable to provide adequate support for surface improvements, shall be excavated and removed from the job site. Any materials so removed shall be replaced with Class II granular materials as specified in the current Michigan Department of Transportation Standards Specifications.

7. Sidewalk replacement will consist of removal and disposal of existing concrete and placement of new concrete four (4) inches thick. Undercutting may be required at the Inspector’s discretion. Any undercut areas shall be replaced with Class II granular materials compacted in place. Replacement drive approaches and replacement sidewalk abutting a driveway shall consist of removal and disposal of _existing concrete and replacement with six (6) inches of new concrete. Undercutting may be required at the Inspector’s discretion. Any undercut areas shall be replaced with Class II granular material compacted in place.

8. Traverse expansion joints one-half (1/2) inch thick shall be placed at every fifty (50) linear feet of sidewalk, and at all sidewalk to driveway junctions.

9. The sub grade shall be thoroughly moistened and the concrete shall be deposited to proper depth. The concrete along the edges of the forms and joints shall be spade and the concrete shall be struck off until all voids are removed and the surface has the required grade and cross section. The surface shall be floated and troweled just enough to produce a smooth dense surface, free from irregularities. All joints and edges shall be rounded to a radius of one -quarter (1/4) inch with an approved finishing tool. Contraction joints shall be tooled every five (5) linear feet (or four [4] feet to match existing) of sidewalk.

10. After the concrete has set sufficiently, but not more than three (3) days, the forms shall be backfilled with topsoil. All areas shall be left free of all rocks, concrete, roots or other debris. Disturbed areas larger than 6-inches in width along the length of the sidewalk shall be seeded or sodded at the Inspector’s discretion.

11. The contractor shall obtain a permit from the Charter Township of Superior for construction and maintenance of sidewalks within its boundaries and any applicable permits from Washtenaw County Department of Public Services or the Michigan Department of Transportation to work within the right-of-way. The contractor shall perform all work in compliance with the Michigan Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices by providing proper traffic control devices for construction work, as amended.

12. If a sidewalk has displaced but is in otherwise good condition, the Director may decide that mudjacking the sidewalk to correct the misalignment is acceptable. This method can be used, when the conditions warrant as determined by the Director, rather than replacing the sidewalk.

For more information call the Superior Township Hall at 734-482-6099 and ask for the Clerk or the Building Department.