Committee to Promote Superior Township Meeting

Superior Township Hall 3040 N. Prospect, Superior Charter Twp, MI, United States

The group meets once a month on the third Wednesday from 7:00 until 8:30 p.m. at the Superior Township Hall, which is located at 3040 N. Prospect, (corner of Cherry Hill and Prospect) in Superior Township.

The Flying Pilgrims – July 2017 Jack Swint Memorial Fun Fly

Flying Pilgrims Field

July 2017 Jack Swint Memorial fun fly.   Sunday July 23rd 12:00 pm until the food and fuel are gone.  Starting off with a moment of remembrance for club member Jack Swint we will then enjoy Flying, food, and fun for members and their families.    Come to the field and enjoy the sights sounds […]

Neighborhood Watch Meeting

Neighborhood meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of every other month. They are at 7:00 p.m., at the Old Township Hall or the main Township Hall. Both are located at 3040 North Prospect Road (Northeast corner of Prospect and Cherry Hill Roads).

Dixboro Design Review Board Meeting

Superior Township Hall 3040 N. Prospect, Superior Charter Twp, MI, United States

As you are aware, the Design Review Board is required by Ordinance to hold meetings as necessary to review projects proposed within the VC Zoning District in the Village of Dixboro. In compliance with that requirement we will be meeting on Tuesday, July 25, 2017. A project has been proposed for the residential structure located […]

Planning Commission Meeting – Cancelled

Township Hall 3040 N. Prospect Rd,, Superior Township, MI, United States

Due to a lack of agenda items, the July 26, 2017 meeting of the Superior Township Planning Commission is cancelled. The Planning Commission meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month, except in November (third Wednesday) and December of (second Wednesday). Commission meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. at the Township Hall. Special meetings may […]

Dixboro Farmer’s Market

Dixboro Farmer's Market 5221 Church Rd, Ann Arbor, Michigan, MI, United States

Fridays 3pm-7pm In front of the Dixboro United Methodist Church. 5221 Church Rd Ann Arbor, Michigan, MI 48105

Movie Night at Fireman’s Park This Friday, August 4

Fireman's Park Corner of Harris & MacArthur Blvd, Superior Township, MI, United States

Friday, August 4th at 9PM You & your family are invited to join us for a night of fun at Fireman's Park. Please join Danbury Park Manor and Sycamore Meadow Apartments, along with the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office for our summer movie night! Parents, please join us to help celebrate our movie night fun! Refreshments […]

Emergency Siren Test

Emergency Siren Test at Noon on the First Saturday of Each Month Through October EMERGENCY SERVICES DIVISION OUTDOOR WARNING SIREN TEST NOTIFICATION   Saturday, August 5, 2017 at 12:00 Noon   Dear Superior Township Residents, Washtenaw County's 87 warning sirens will be tested at Noon on the first Saturday of every month from March through […]

Kickball Challenge

Community Center Park 2000 E. CLARK RD, Ypsilanti Township, MI, United States

Join summer playground youth from Superior Township Community Park, West Willow at the Community Resource Center, and Sugarbrook Neighborhood at Grace Fellowship Church for a fun, friendly, end-of-summer kickball challenge. Friends and family are invited to come out and cheer their teams on. *There is no rain date scheduled for this event. Free Lunch Click […]

Committee to Promote Superior Township Meeting

Superior Township Hall 3040 N. Prospect, Superior Charter Twp, MI, United States

The group meets once a month on the third Wednesday from 7:00 until 8:30 p.m. at the Superior Township Hall, which is located at 3040 N. Prospect, (corner of Cherry Hill and Prospect) in Superior Township.