Township Hall Closed

Township Hall will be closed Monday, October 9, in observance of Columbus Day.

Washtenaw County Clean Up Day

Eastern Michigan Parking Lot 799 N. Hewitt, Ypsilanti, MI, United States

Saturday, October 14, 2017 9AM - 2PM Eastern Michigan University Parking lot across from Rynearson Stadium 799 N. Hewitt, Ypsilanti Click here to view the flyer.

Rosie the Riveter Guinness World Record Event

Eastern Michigan University Convocation Center 799 N. Hewitt, Ypsilanti, MI, United States

On Saturday, Oct 14th at EMU convocation center on Hewitt Rd. in Ypsilanti. The event honors women of all backgrounds and races who enter the workplace in masses during WWII and blazed the path for all of us to follow. Click here for more information.

PLAY DATE With Your Library

Read, Sing, Write, Talk, Play! Learn fun ways to play with your child to get them ready for school. We’ll have scented play dough, a toddler obstacle course, fun giveaways, and more! Free & open to the public. When: Saturday, October 14, 10:30am—noon Location: YDL-Whittaker 5577 Whittaker Road Farmer’s Market Depot Town: 100 Rice Street […]

Free Expungement Fair for Washtenaw County

Learning Resource Center 4135 Washtenaw Ave, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

This free expungement fair is a collaborative effort led by MIWorks which includes the Sheriff’s Office, Washtenaw Literacy and others to create an ongoing program to assist people who are restricted by their criminal record but are not a danger to the community and simply want to work or get a better job to provide […]

Board of Trustees Meeting

Township Hall 3040 N. Prospect Rd,, Superior Township, MI, United States

Board of Trustees meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m at the Township Hall. If a national holiday falls on third Monday, the meeting is held on the Tuesday immediately following the holiday. Occasionally, a regular meeting may be canceled, or a special meeting may be called. Special meetings […]

2018 Budgets and Truth-In-Taxation Hearing

Superior Township Hall 3040 N. Prospect, Superior Charter Twp, MI, United States

At their regularly scheduled meeting of October 16, 2017, 7:00 p.m., at the Superior Township Hall, the Superior Charter Township Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing on the proposed 2017 Budgets for the General Fund, Fire Fund, Fire Reserve Fund, Law Enforcement Fund, Utility Fund, Park Fund, Street Light Fund, Building Fund, Hyundai […]

Committee to Promote Superior Township Meeting

Superior Township Hall 3040 N. Prospect, Superior Charter Twp, MI, United States

The group meets once a month on the third Wednesday from 7:00 until 8:30 p.m. at the Superior Township Hall, which is located at 3040 N. Prospect, (corner of Cherry Hill and Prospect) in Superior Township.

Pumpkin Carving/Arts & Crafts

Norfolk Park Norfolk Ave, Superior Township, MI, United States

Pumpkin Carving and Arts & Crafts Refreshments will be Provided Cost is FREE

Planning Commission Meeting

Township Hall 3040 N. Prospect Rd,, Superior Township, MI, United States

The Planning Commission meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month, except in November and December of 2015 (third Wednesday). Commission meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. at the Township Hall. Special meetings may be called if necessary to deal with additional items of business.