“The Township of Superior is particularly an agricultural district…unsurpassed in the fertility of its soil or the advantages of its watercourses…”Superior” is stamped upon its lands and is said to extend itself to the people and their homes.”
Superior Township is 36 square miles in area. It is bordered by Clark Road on the south and Joy Road on the north. The eastern border is Napier Road and the western border is roughly along Dixboro Road.
The 2020 census showed a population of 14,832 people, a 13.5% increase from the Township’s 2010 census population of 13,058.
There are three school districts in the Township: Ann Arbor, Plymouth-Canton and the Ypsilanti Community School District.
Superior Township is known throughout Washtenaw County and the State for its active and involved citizens. Important volunteer groups include the Superior Land Preservation Society (734-482-7414, or e-mail); Superior Township Chapter of Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy, a local division of Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy: 8383 Vreeland Rd., Superior Twp., MI 48198, 734-484-6565, e-mail: info@smlcland.org, the Fleming Creek Advisory Council (734-769-5971), and the Huron River Watershed Council (734-769-5123). By joining, or by volunteering a small amount of your time, you can help keep our Township “Superior.” The Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy has provided an excellent map of the conserved properties located in and around the Superior Greenway. To view please click on MAP. The Committee to Promote Superior Township is a group of residents who meet at the Township Hall on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. They create projects to educate the public on the many positive aspects of Superior Township. All are welcome to attend. For further information please visit the Committee to Promote Superior Township page.
Superior Township’s History:
This description appeared in the 1881 History of Washtenaw County, Michigan. The first lands in the Township were sold to settlers in the early 1820’s by the Federal government. The Township remained a farming community for many years. The only permanent concentrated settlement was the Dixboro Village on the western edge of the Township.
In 1941, construction of the Willow Run bomber plant and the Willow Run airport began. Superior Township and surrounding communities experienced dramatic growth with the influx of war-time workers and their families. With the war housing, the Federal government constructed a sewer and water system in the area south of Geddes Road. When the war housing was later demolished, new subdivisions and apartments were built in the area served by the sewer and water system.
All areas of Superior Township have continued to grow, as the township’s attractive to many people for its unique environment and proximity to services. Much agricultural land remains in Superior, and contributes to the rural nature of the community. Many historical buildings also add to the community’s character. To find out about Superior Township roads and how they were named, click on ROADS. Other interesting historic information about early Superior Township can be found at First Purchasers of Land in Superior Township (PDF), Superior Township Post Office History (PDF), The Naming of Superior Township (PDF) and Superior Township Tax Assessment Roll of 1840 (PDF).

Superior Township Today
Superior Township is a diverse community, proud of its heritage and looking forward to its future.
The involvement of citizens is important. Citizens contribute their talents, skills and ideas to help preserve and improve the quality of life, and to help prioritize and achieve Township goals. Resident surveys and resident participation at the Township Board and Planning Commission meetings tell us what residents like best about the Township: The rural atmosphere and natural features.
Your Township government must address many issues–from public safety to land uses and budgets–and we are always conscious of how much value residents place on the quality of life we enjoy, and our special environment.
Main Phone Numbers
Supervisor: | Emily Dabish Yahkind | (734) 482-6099 |
Clerk: | Angela Robinson | (734) 482-6099 |
Treasurer: | Lisa Lewis | (734) 482-6099 |