Trash, Recycle and Yard Waste Pickup Update from Supervisor Ken Schwartz

To Superior Township Residents

From: Ken Schwartz, Superior Township Supervisor

Re: Trash, Recycle and Yard Waste pickup

The Board of Trustees had a special meeting last night to discuss the solid waste, recycling and yard waste issues we are experiencing due to the sale of Good for Life (GFL) to Priority Waste (PW).

PW representative Sam Caramagno appeared before the Board and apologized for the slow and uncoordinated start of service in Superior Township. We had about 30 residents in attendance and the following is a summary of what was discussed.

The Board was very clear that the level of service last week and this week is unacceptable and could cause a health threat. The residents were extremely upset about how last week unfolded. Clearly, PW and GFL did not communicate with the township while the sale was being negotiated. They claim SEC rules prevented disclosure to the township. The Board was literally in the dark about how GFL and PW would proceed with the transition.

Superior has had several trash provider transitions in the past and none of them were very smooth, but this one was a disaster.

To summarize the main points, PW made the following promises.

That the entire township will be caught up by Saturday and that next week will return to normal.

Any carts damaged will be repaired free of charge. New carts, when necessary, will be free of charge.

That the PW website should be available for Superior residents on July 15th. In the meantime, call (586) 228-1200 to order carts or to arrange special pickups or for any other communication.

Any payments made to GFL will be credited to the PW bill.

Service days will remain the same as well as the rates stated in the GFL contract.

Today I went out and inspected the subdivisions normally having their services on Tuesday. I can report that Monday pickups are now complete. PW is working on Tuesday pickups today and I can report that the Panama subdivision is done; that the Washington Square subdivision is about half done and the truck servicing that subdivision is at the landfill unloading. When it returns to the area, Washington Square will be finished. I doubt if the yard waste and recyclables will be complete today.

A second truck is now working Harvest Lane and Wiard. The workers are just about done. Again, I doubt if the yard waste and recyclables will be complete today.

Both trucks then will target Geddes Ridge, Bromley and Woodside today. Mr. Caramagno sent me an email stating that he expects all Tuesday service will be free of trash by nightfall. Again, I doubt if the yard waste and recyclables will be complete today.

I will continually update this post as new information is acquired.