14A, 14B and 15th District Court Amnesty Program

The 14A, 14B and 15th District Courts are offering an Amnesty Program effective September 1, 2020 through October 30th, 2020 for outstanding traffic civil infractions.  The intent of this program is to provide a way for those who have outstanding tickets and/or suspensions to pay off their tickets at a potentially reduced rate so they can get a valid license.

Who is eligible?

Any traffic civil infraction issued prior to December 31, 2018 under the jurisdiction of the four (4) 14A District Courts: 14A-1 Pittsfield, 14A-2 Ypsilanti, 14A-3 Chelsea or 14A-4 Saline, the 14B District Court Ypsilanti Township and the 15th District Court City of Ann Arbor is eligible for the program.

How does it work?

In exchange for full payment of the original fines and costs, all penalties and late fees will be waived apart from the $45 clearance fee assessed by the Michigan Department of State when a license has been suspended.  This fee cannot be waived and must be paid before a license can be re-instated.  To see if you have any eligible tickets, please go to our websites and utilize the court look-up function or call the court.

www.14adistrictcourt.org       www.ytown.org/14b-court     www.15thdistrictcourt.org

You will need to contact the court to update your case to reflect the waiver of fees before making a payment.  Please call for more information and payment options:

14A-1 734-973-4545              14A-2  734-484-9664              14A-3 734-475-8606

14A-4  734-429-2504              14B     734-483-1333              15th      734-794-6750

Other important information:

The 14A, 14B and the 15th District Courts are separate District Courts.  You will be able to pay any 14A District Court ticket at any one of the four (4) 14A District Court locations.  14B tickets must be paid only at the 14B District Court location.  15th District tickets must be paid only at the 15th District Court location.