The Day of Review is for the purpose of reviewing apportionment of benefit for the FURLONG Drain for each parcel and municipality within the Drainage District.
More infoDixboro Farmer’s Market
Fridays 3pm-7pm In front of the Dixboro United Methodist Church. 5221 Church Rd Ann Arbor, Michigan, MI 48105
More infoMovie Night at Fireman’s Park This Friday, August 4
Friday, August 4th at 9PM You & your family are invited to join us for a night of fun at Fireman’s Park. Please join Danbury Park Manor and Sycamore Meadow
More infoKickball Challenge
Join summer playground youth from Superior Township Community Park, West Willow at the Community Resource Center, and Sugarbrook Neighborhood at Grace Fellowship Church for a fun, friendly, end-of-summer kickball challenge.
More infoEmergency Siren Test
Emergency Siren Test at Noon on the First Saturday of Each Month Through October EMERGENCY SERVICES DIVISION OUTDOOR WARNING SIREN TEST NOTIFICATION Saturday, August 5, 2017 at 12:00 Noon
More infoCommittee to Promote Superior Township Meeting
The group meets once a month on the third Wednesday from 7:00 until 8:30 p.m. at the Superior Township Hall, which is located at 3040 N. Prospect, (corner of Cherry Hill and
More infoBoard of Trustees Meeting
Board of Trustees meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m at the Township Hall. If a national holiday falls on third Monday, the meeting
More infoPlanning Commission Meeting
The Planning Commission meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month, except in November and December of 2015 (third Wednesday). Commission meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. at the Township
More info