As you are aware, the Design Review Board is required by Ordinance to hold meetings as necessary to review projects proposed within the VC Zoning District in the Village of
More infoNew! Sign up for ACH Direct Payment of Stud Water/Sewer Billing
STUD now offers water/sewer bill payment thorough Automated Clearing House (ACH). With this service, you can pay your bill automatically on the due date directly from your checking or savings
More infoTownship Offices Closed
The Superior Township Offices will be closed in observance of Independence Day.
More infoTownship Offices Closed
The Superior Township Offices will be closed in observance of Independence Day.
More infoThe Flying Pilgrims – July 2017 Jack Swint Memorial Fun Fly
July 2017 Jack Swint Memorial fun fly. Sunday July 23rd 12:00 pm until the food and fuel are gone. Starting off with a moment of remembrance for club member
More infoKite & Rocket Day
Kite Making & Flying Air Rocket Launchers Lunch is Provided Cost is FREE
More infoEmergency Siren Test
Emergency Siren Test at Noon on the First Saturday of Each Month Through October EMERGENCY SERVICES DIVISION OUTDOOR WARNING SIREN TEST NOTIFICATION Saturday, July 1, 2017 at 12:00 Noon
More infoCommittee to Promote Superior Township Meeting
The group meets once a month on the third Wednesday from 7:00 until 8:30 p.m. at the Superior Township Hall, which is located at 3040 N. Prospect, (corner of Cherry Hill and
More infoBoard of Trustees Meeting
Board of Trustees meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m at the Township Hall. If a national holiday falls on third Monday, the meeting
More infoNeighborhood Watch Meeting
Neighborhood meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of every other month. They are at 7:00 p.m., at the Old Township Hall or the main Township Hall. Both are located at 3040 North Prospect
More infoPlanning Commission Meeting – Cancelled
Due to a lack of agenda items, the July 26, 2017 meeting of the Superior Township Planning Commission is cancelled. The Planning Commission meets on the fourth Wednesday of each
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