Upcoming Parks and Recreation Events

    Superior Township “Protecting Your Land, Preserving Our Future” Meeting

    Monday, March 10, 2025 7pm – 8:30pm

    Superior Township Hall, 3040 N Prospect Rd., Superior Township, MI 48198

    Spend an evening with area conservation organizations exploring options for conserving or managing your farmland and natural areas. Following the presentation, staff from local conservation organizations will be available to discuss individual properties. Reserve your seat here or scan the QR code on the flyer below!



    Superior Township Parks and Recreation
    Director Juan Bradford
    575 E. Clark Road
    Ypsilanti, MI 48198

    Phone: 734-480-5502
    Fax: 734-484-4883

    Department Parks & Buildings

    1. Old Township Hall – Located at the corner of Cherry Hill and Prospect Roads, this building is where the Parks Commission holds its meetings. Old Township Hall is contiguous to Schock Park and the current Township Hall.
    2. Community Park – Community Park is an 18 acre parcel located on the north side of Stamford Road, across the street from Cheney Elementary School. As a neighborhood park, Community Park receives extensive use. It is located in a heavily populated urban area. Of its 18 acres, about 10 acres are open, and these are heavily used. The remainder of the property is wooded. Open areas of the park include a ball field, play equipment, and a tennis court.
    3. Fireman’s Park – Fireman’s Park is located on the corner of Harris Road and MacArthur Boulevard. This small neighborhood park has access to the library and its restrooms, which makes it convenient for special events and regularly scheduled recreation programs. In addition, a parking lot and field are available.
    4. Harvest Moon Park – Harvest Moon Park is located in the southeast portion of the Township to the east of Wiard Road. The 29.2 acre park extends south to the Township border and east to the West Ridge Mobile Home Park. Its main access is off Harvest Lane. Harvest Moon Park, also a neighborhood park, is the largest neighborhood park in the system, although only about 10 acres are used by the Harvest Lane neighborhood. The park has a shaded picnic area, a play structure, the only outdoor basketball court on Township property, and a lovely wetland area.
    5. Oakbrook Park – Oakbrook Park is located on the south side of Berkshire Road between Sheffield and Stamford. Oakbrook Park, a neighborhood park, was acquired in an exchange with the Willow Run School District for property adjacent to Cheney School in the late 1980’s. Previously a vacant lot, the Township workers and volunteers cleaned it, graded it, and had it seeded. The Township was awarded a grant in 1990 to develop the park. It now has a picnic area, a seating area, a drinking fountain, play equipment, a ball field, and an open field for organized and unorganized activities.

    6. Norfolk Park – Norfolk Park is located on Norfolk Avenue, between Sheffield and Stamford, at the east end of Oakbrook Park. Norfolk Park is a small neighborhood park which has a portion of open space. It has a shelter which is used by the neighborhood as well as people in the surrounding communities. There are also wooded trails with a connecting trail to Oakbrook Park.
    7. Schock Park – Schock Park, used as a community park, is located in the center of the Township. It has a picnic area and a display of antique farming equipment. The maintenance shop for the Parks Department is housed on this property. In addition, it is a historical site, as the Old Township Hall building is located on the property.
    8. Schroeter Park – Schroeter Park is a 32.7 acre park located at the southeast corner of Berry and Warren Roads. Schroeter Park, a regional park, is an undeveloped natural area which is mainly used by horseback riders, walkers, and cross-country skiers. It has trails through a field and woodland for horseback riding and hiking.
    9. Cherry Hill Nature Preserve – Located in the northwestern part of the Township on Cherry Hill Road, this nature preserve is approximately 160 acres and was purchased in 1998, in collaboration with the Superior Land Conservancy, through a grant from the DNR. The property has a variety of terrain, from wetlands to woods and meadows and is home to a variety of wildlife. A trail system has been established and is used regularly.
    10. Administrative Offices – The Parks and Recreation Administrative Offices are located in the Utility Department’s Administration Building, located at the corner of Prospect and Clark Roads. This building is the former Parks and Recreation Building.
    11. North Prospect Park  Located in the northern part of the Township on Prospect Road, immediately north of Fire Station 1, this newest park is at the present time undeveloped. Future plans are to leave this acreage as a passive use park.